Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bloodbowl Combine 1 2014

I have been trying to get back into tabletop wargaming for the last few weeks. During this time I have been collecting some Warhammer 40k Space Marines, and the Bolt Action main book. Well I learned that MuGu Games had a Blood Bowl league. I haven't played the miniature version of Blood Bowl in over 8 years. Of course I had to look into it.

I talked to a pretty cool guy named Jason and he told me about the Blood Bowl league website he hosts for this league at So today we had the first of three combines for the league before the Golden Tentacle tournament in April and the new Blood Bowl Season in May.

I had a lot of fun, I played a guy named Tim. I played a human team while he played an elf. I didn't do too bad, I lost 1-0 but it was down to the wire the entire game. Like I said though, it was great fun and now I need to look for a human team to buy. I am fortunate, Jason has a team I can play until then, but I really want to paint one for myself.

Here is a couple of pics from the game. The first is bashing down the elf line and the second I am trying to push my way up the field after the ogre had retrieved a fumble. I really want a better camera though.

Combine 1-2014

Combine 1-2014 -2 

The next combine is in two weeks. I might try orcs for that game, just so I can get a feel of the two teams. In addition I might check out the Bolt Action tournament the same weekend as well, I will get into that game I just want to see it played a couple of times before I commit to a force.

That is it for my weekend gaming update :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Strange dreams all night, the one with the most impact had me sitting in a burned out house, in the dark, and talking to my stillborn brother.

That hit hard.

It started with me sitting in what appeared to be a war torn area (or maybe super impoverished like Detroit, the destruction is similar).

It was cold, wet and dark out with sirens in the distance. I couldn't really see much in front of me, just a cold mustiness with flashes of cop lights in the distance.

I was talking with someone a bit younger than me. I honestly don't remember what I was saying, just that it was heavy.

I couldn't see him clearly, and he kept listening. After I had finished it was silent for a few minutes. I could feel him lean forward and touch my arm, I think it was meant reassuringly. That is when I recognized who he was and I snapped wide awake laying in bed beside jello.

Normally that isn't the brother I dream about. Normally it's "Bear", my actual living brother I talk with sometimes.

Dream definitely set me off in a weird mood today.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Last few weeks of work have been weird and uncomfortable. The job itself is fine, I don't mind finding people avoiding taxes and honestly for the most part I don't mind nailing them. Unfortunately it isn't my job duties itself that is bothering me.

My work schedule is killing me. In order to drop my 3 hours of commuting to about 1.5 hours I need to leave the house by a few minutes after 5am (meaning I have to be up around 4am). This is bad enough, but on top of this I get anxious about work, if I get anxious and I need to get up too early, I end up waking up even earlier (around 2:30 am after going to bed around 1030pm). Now, that last part isn't my job's fault, it is just a program bug in my head. However this is resulting in my being exhausted all the time and not wanting to do much but nap. Although on a good point, I might be exhausted but I am not depressed anymore from my other horrible job.

I found out today that I won't be considered for part time telecommuting for at least three more months (originally a month ago I was told February). This is frustrating, especially so since I took a 25% paycut because of the flexibility of this job. However, it is turning out there isn't much flexibility. It is ok though, it will keep us going until Jello graduates.

The next problem is training is all over the place. I can do the audits, but the fine details are still not completely explained to me and results in a fairly steady stream of "please do this again and do it "x" way". I never have to repeat this, but it bothers my own sense of self that this keeps popping up because I wasn't told how to handle specific circumstances.

What worries me is that both the nitpicking and the moving back my date of telecommuting by months came after I mentioned in passing my husband's proper pronouns of  he/him. I can't say for sure my boss realized what I had said, but the behavior has changed since then and alarmed me. In all fairness though, my agency is undergoing some upper echelon changes so maybe it is that as well. That would almost be worse as it would be a sign that the agency itself is going downhill and that would be bad.

I have talked to my husband and will continue to use the she/her pronoun forms until my probation is over in May (I haven't come out to my work on the transition, they had interviewed me before Jello had decided to go all the way so at the time I had talked about my wife). I absolutely HATE doing this, hate hate hate, but I cannot risk being able supporting my husband financially until he has graduated and is working.

There is a possibility I might get a call from my old job at SAO (at the Seattle office, which is about thirty miles from here), I am kind of hoping that it works out, but I am not holding my breath.
However, even if they don't hire me I think I am going to start putting apps out. Low pay with no flexibility is not something I want. The job is interesting, it is a combination accountant/auditor/private investigator but the payoff is just too little at the moment.