Sunday, April 20, 2014


This week has been both a very short and very long week at work. I have only gone to work three days last week. Monday I took off for an appointment with my husband, and then Friday to go to Norwescon. sadly, Norwescon didn't work out, but I did get to hang with him.
My supervisor called me on my day off. It sort of freaked me out when she called. I was worried I must have done something wrong. She was actually fairly excited on the phone and said she wanted to tell me something about my part time telecommuting application. If it had gone through I would get to work from home three days a week. 
With the part time telecommute I would still need to drive two days a week to the office, and when I have audits I would have to go to them (and the distance is about the same for audit days since most audits are south of my office). However, I wouldn't have to drive those three days just to the office. I would try and arrange my audits to be on those two days to minimize excess driving as much as possible.
My boss however said that I, along with a few others, have been selected to do a pilot program. 100% telecommute. I would still be driving long distances, but my home office is my house (and I would have all the necessary equipment given to me). It means every time I hit the road I would get back at least a couple dollars in mileage (some audits I would lose money on the gas, but some audits would gain more then I drove).
However, the absolute best thing about this would be none of the travel would occur outside my 8 (or 9 with lunch) hour shift. Right now I put in about 2-3 hours extra time into travel a day. This is why I leave for work around 5am, not because I want to, but that is the only way to keep my commute of 30 miles down to only an hour each way (at the height of rush hour its sometimes 2 hours). With full time telecommute it means I work 6-2 (or 3 if I take a lunch) but I never have to leave earlier (I can get up at 5:45, hop in shower then sit at computer by 6am instead of current 4am). It also means all driving is during work hours, I clock in at my house, and I clock out at my house.
I believe she said on the phone it will start the 27th (but I haven't been in to confirm, nor can I be sure now that is the exact day). I am excited, this will alleviate a lot of stress. Another advantage is once the hubbie graduates and is working steadily, if I am still working here it will be easier to take classes at night for my MBA.
I realize this is a pilot program so it may not be permanent (but they are getting rid of all the tax office so something is going to be happening) and even if it went to part time telecommute that would be great. So things are looking up. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

365 Project Year 1 Dec 2012 Nov 2013

Here is the compilation of my year 1 365 Project. Since I moved to this new channel I didn't want to reupload all the old ones. A good friend of mine (thank you Cannonhawk) suggested I upload the whole thing.

So here it is, December 2012 through November 2013. I am beginning the second year now (starting April 1st 2014).
All of the music below was provided by for free use.
"Atomic Isle Revisited" by C.P. Bryan provided by

"Cherry Blossom Days" by C.P. Bryan provided by

"Teenage Heartbreak Orchestral" by C.P. Bryan provided by

"Crystal Forest" by Steven Lowther provided by

"Mechanical Bullride" by Steven Lowther provided by

"Cumulonimbus by Steven Lowther provided by

Monday, April 7, 2014


Had another dream last night, once again I didn't write it out immediately so it is a bit blurry.

It started out that I lived in what seemed to be an area much like Bellingham, except it was dead of winter and everything was iced over as if a bad snow/ice storm had occurred. The house I lived in looked partially burned down, things were all icy on the inside as well (as if it had rained, or perhaps the fire department had been there).

It was cold and I was wandering through the ruins of a giant house, then it morphed into along the streets. At some point the dream had morphed again into being on a large scientific vessel in the deep ocean. We ended up somewhere down in the artic. There seemed to be a huge ship that had been lost, we started exploring it as some sort of salvage type of experience.

As we explored the frozen ship, people started to go crazy. It was a bit like a horror movie, by the end of it some of my crew had bashed each other's heads in, or killed each other or even themselves in some other pretty horrific horror movie, style. This occurred for quite a while. It appeared that we as the crew of the exploring ship, were exposed to something that made us all crazy. The remaining crew were hiding in different rooms and I was eventually approached by a group that they were going to kill me (they had been going room to room killing people). They had found me guilty for some crazy idea, that I couldn't even explain now. I somehow talked them into letting me do it myself and they gave me an hour to finish the business.

It was about this time that I noticed we were near land, (as in only a couple hundred feet) and there was a town on the land. It appeared to be a nameless Canadian town (a Canadian chain restaurant I can't remember now, maple leaf flag, etc). I jumped into the icy water and swam there instead of "taking care of myself". I walked into the small town's park in the center and I noted in the distance a couple of the buildings were on fire.

I also noticed screams and people being chased. Crazy parents having their kids play in the park, some of the kids had been killed and propped on swings. Other parents were encouraging kids to kill homeless while others appeared totally rational and going about their daily business (which seemed even crazier then the killers who were acting weird). I was sneaking through the town trying to find dry clothing and food.

I woke up at this time, unfortunately I needed to go to work. The fan was blowing cold air on me, so at least I understood why the entire dream took place in a frozen place.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Delayed Death

I used to write down all my dreams, and there was some awesome sources for RPG games (also let me see what I was stressed out about). I figured I would try again.

Last night I dreamt a close friend named Sean died. I spent most of the dream with Jello looking through his stuff trying to figure out what happened. There were a lot of other people there, but they kept trying to walk off with his stuff. I spent a long time trying to keep people from grabbing things and running until we got his will read. (Sean you do have a will right?).

There were a lot of little details about a specific game Sean had been developing, and indications that it was something more. It was really clear in the dream, but unfortunately this long after waking up it has all blended together. There was something about how whatever Sean was working on let people survive as corporeal ghosts until the day ended (for the world, not for the current location).

I remember being incredibly sad in the dream, Sean is a little brother to me, and while I don't get to see him as much as I used to it would be a horrific event if something happened to him.

I then walked out of his house and found myself in my old trailer that Jello and I owned. I was in the living room, the evening sun was streaming in and I found my little brother Derek setting up the video game in the same location that the computer he used all those years ago in that room. He looked up and me and asked if I would help him set up the game. I started setting up the game but something was wrong.

He smiled at me a little sadly and said he had until sunset in Spain before he passed on (which was just an hour or two from the dream time, even though I know logically Spain's sunset is not the same time as our own). I realized that whatever Sean had been working on allowed Derek to stay around for awhile. I hadn't been able to see Sean in the extra time he had, but I could see Derek. It was weird to hear my little brother I grew up with tell me he was dead and would be gone in a few hours and he wanted to play some video games on his way out.

I woke up at that, freaked out that Derek and Sean were dead. It was a rough morning.